

International Cocoa Council

The International Cocoa Council is the highest decision-making body of the ICCO and is composed of all the contracting parties to the International Cocoa Agreement, 2010. It holds two regular sessions per year, and special sessions as required. Council sessions are attended by delegations of all cocoa producing and cocoa consuming Member countries.

The main function of the Council is to determine the strategy of the Organization in addition to supervising its financial policies and reviewing and approving its proposed work programme and budget for each cocoa year.

It is the body to which the different committees and working groups of the organization report.

In its decision-making process, the Council is assisted by different committees and working groups.

Officers of the International Cocoa Council 2023/2024 cocoa year:

HE Ambassador Guillermo Marín Gorbea (Spain)

Ambassador of Spain to Côte d’Ivoire

HE Jeroen Kelderhuis (The Netherlands)

Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Côte d’Ivoire

Economics Committee

The Economics Committee was established, amongst others, to:

  • Review cocoa statistics and statistical analyses of cocoa production;
  • Examine analyses of market trends and other factors, with particular regard to cocoa supply and demand;
  • Analyse information on market access for cocoa and cocoa products in producing and consuming countries;
  • Examine and recommend to the Council projects for funding by donor agencies;
  • Address issues regarding the economic dimension of sustainable development in the cocoa economy;
  • Review the draft annual work programme of the Organization in cooperation with the Administration and Finance Committee as appropriate;
  • Prepare international cocoa conferences and seminars at the request of the Council; and deal with any other matters as approved by the Council.

Officers of the Economics Committee for the 2023/2024 cocoa year:

HE Carole van Eyll (Belgium)

Ambassador of the Kingdom of Belgium to Côte d’Ivoire

M. Philippe Fontayne (Madagascar)

Vice-Président du Conseil National du Cacao (CNC);

Administration and Finance Committee

The Administration and Finance Committee:

  • Supervises, on the basis of the budget presented by the Executive Director, the preparation of the draft administrative budget to be submitted to the Council;,
  • Carries out any other administrative and financial tasks assigned by the Council

Officers of the Administration and Finance Committee for the 2023/2024 cocoa year:

S.E.M. Aly TOURE (Côte d’Ivoire)

Porte-Parole des Pays Producteurs
Représentant Permanent de la Côte d’Ivoire auprès des Organisations Internationales de Produits de Base

Mr. Gaspard de Bousies (European Union) 

Attaché de Coopération, Délégation de l’Union Européenne en République de Côte d’Ivoire, Abidjan

Immeuble Union Européenne
Avenue Terrasson de Fougères, Plateau
01 BP 1821 Abidjan

Consultative Board on the World Cocoa Economy

The Consultative Board on the World Cocoa Economy was inaugurated in December 2003 in order to encourage the active participation of experts from the private sector and civil society in the work of the Organization and to promote a continuous dialogue among experts from the public and private sectors.

Its role is that of an advisory body which advises the Council on issues of general and strategic interest to the cocoa sector.

Officers of the Consultative Board for the 2023/2024:

Mr. Lukas JASMAN (Indonesia)

(CEO BT Cacao, Representative Indonesian Cocoa Industry Association (AIKI) )

Mr. Michiel HENDRIKSZ (Switzerland)

(Farmstrong Foundation)

Expert Working Group on Stocks

The Expert Working Group on Stocks was created in 1989 to support the ICCO Secretariat in considering the challenges associated with assessing the level of world cocoa bean stocks.  It is composed of representatives and analysts from cocoa producing countries, industry and trade associations, cocoa processors and chocolate manufacturers.

The ICCO Secretariat

The ICCO Secretariat is based in the organization headquarters in Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire.

It is the executive body of the ICCO, and is responsible for implementing its 5-year Strategic Action plan, as adopted by the International Cocoa Council.

Technical Assistance

Acts as a source of technical assistance for its Members Countries with a view of strengthening their capacities for relevant cocoa-related development projects, and facilitating support from financial partners.

Institutional Cooperation

Acts as a platform for institutional cooperation by supporting networking among Member Countries, as well as with the private sector and the civil society.

Centre for Knowledge

Acts as a reference centre for knowledge and information by collecting and publishing statistical data and producing reports on the world cocoa economy.

Mr. Michel Arrion
Executive Director

ICCO Secretariat
International Cocoa Organization
06 BP 1166 Abidjan 06
Côte d’Ivoire

Tel: +225 27 22 51 49 50/51
Fax: +225 27 22 51 49 79

Dr. Michele Nardella
Director of the Economics, Statistics and Sustainable Development Division

ICCO Secretariat
International Cocoa Organization
06 BP 1166 Abidjan 06
Côte d’Ivoire

Tel: +225 27 22 51 49 50/51
Fax: +225 27 22 51 49 79