
Cocoa Market Outlook Conference 2015 Report and Presentations

The ICCO used the traditional meeting week in September to launch its first-ever one-day Conference, inviting not only Member delegates but also paying members of the trade and industry to an intense investigation of the current market and…

ICCO HQ to move to Abidjan following Council decision

London, 25 September 2015—In a momentous decision, the International Cocoa Council has approved the relocation of the headquarters of the International Cocoa Organization from London to Côte d’Ivoire’s commercial capital, Abidjan. The…

Quarterly Bulletin of Cocoa Statistics – August 2015

London, 28 August 2015--The International Cocoa Organization today releases its revised forecasts for the current 2014/2015 cocoa year and revised estimates of world production, grindings and stocks of cocoa beans for 2013/2014, as summarized…

International Cocoa Council and subsidiary bodies, 18 – 25 September 2015, London

The International Cocoa Council and subsidiary bodies, including the Ad hoc Panel on Fine or Flavour Cocoa, the Consultative Board on the World Cocoa Economy, as well as the Economics and Administration and Finance Committees, will meet…

Fine or Flavour Panel to consider the world’s best cocoa

London, 21 July 2015—Some of the best cocoa in the world is to be examined as the International Cocoa Organization’s Ad hoc Panel on Fine or Flavour Cocoa meets in London on 18 September. The panel, made up of experts from producing…

Call for Tender for the ICCO Statistical Database Management System

London, 16 July 2015--The Quarterly Bulletin of Cocoa Statistics produced by ICCO is the most authoritative source of cocoa statistics in the world. The database of the Bulletin, built on Oracle Personal Express, captures data submitted by…

Conference on Cocoa Market Outlook set for September in London

The ICCO has announced a one-day Conference looking in depth at the cocoa market situation and prospects for the future, to take place Tuesday, 22 September 2015 at the Holiday Inn Hotel, Wembley, London. The Cocoa Market Outlook Conference,…

ICCO futures market and econometrics seminars to take place in Bali in August

London, 2 June 2015--The International Cocoa Organization is to run another edition of its successful International Seminar on Futures Markets and Econometric Modelling of the Cocoa Market, this time at the Discovery Kartika Plaza Hotel, Kuta,…

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